How to control the ball better in soccer...

Parents and Friends,

We’ve all seen players lacking the confidence to get on the ball. Not taking a touch.

But you can tell when a kid HAS that confidence and skill set.

They are aggressive, go hard to the ball and have the ability to stop it with INSTANT control.

Better yet they have what’s called directional control. With that first touch they place the ball where they want to, into space and away from pressure.

At Soccer 1:1 one of the first skills we work on with players is receiving the ball.

Teaching the correct mechanics requires instruction and to break bad habits we always have players on their toes and running to receive a moving ball.

Here are 5 great receiving tips:

1) Arms must be out for balance and to protect the ball.
2) Use the inside of your foot.
3) Toe should be pointed up and ankle locked.
4) Slight hop on the planted foot.
5) Touch the ball out of your feet.

You can get in repetitions by practicing with a friend. And of course, practice with BOTH feet!

If you enjoyed today's message, please share with a friend or fellow soccer enthusiast.

We are here to help!

Chat soon,
Soccer 1:1

P.S. Until January 1st, I'm going to be giving away free trial sessions to my program. To get that session, simply respond to this email and we can connect over the phone.


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