Improve your passing with wall ball!

Parents and Friends,

When traveling abroad you’ll see kids playing pickup soccer games everywhere and anywhere.

Pickup is essentially street soccer and all the youngsters need is a ball, some space and they’ll use their school bags, jackets etc. for goals.

Jumpers for goalposts!

It’s fantastic because they’re getting lots of touches and being creative in an environment where they’re free to express themselves.

That kids elsewhere are getting more touches on the ball outside of practice is something that’s not really acknowledged in U.S. soccer.

But it’s certainly one of the challenges!

That’s why I always encourage kids to TRAIN ON THEIR OWN and show them exercises such as passing off a wall.

Some players call this wall ball and these are my top 7 exercises for a great workout:

  • Receive with the inside of the foot, pass with the inside of the foot.
  • Receive with the outside of the foot, pass with the inside of the foot.
  • Receive with the inside of the foot, pass with the outside of the foot.
  • Receive with the sole of the foot, pass with the inside of the foot.
  • Receive with the sole, roll the ball across your body, pass with the opposite foot.
  • Receive/move the ball across your body with the inside of one foot and pass with the opposite foot.
  • One touch passing.

Find a nice wall with a consistent bounce and position yourself 5-10 yards from it.

Get in a minimum of 10 repetitions and switch feet.

As you build on your control and passing ability also begin targeting a spot on the wall to work on accuracy.

A simple way to add a target is to add chalk marks.

If your passes are true, the ball will come straight back to your feet.

But if you’re chasing the ball down, then your passes are not accurate enough, so just keep practicing!

As your accuracy improves, increase the distance from the wall. 

By doing this you can focus on the weight of your passes and add it to the routine.

The weight is the speed the ball travels over distance.

Very important because you don’t want that any intercepted by a defender!

Chat soon,
Soccer 1:1

P.S. How do players develop in other countries? Click here to watch a video that compares player development in Georgia with that in Rio.  


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