How to improve shooting (no to the toe!)

Parents and Friends,

We’ve all observed kids struggling with the mechanics of shooting.

What you’ll frequently see is youngsters kicking the ball with their toe.

If they are scoring goals with that technique, it’s now a productive bad habit!

Shooting with your toe will only be successful at the very youngest age groups.

Striking the ball with the laces is the correct technique.

At Soccer 1:1 our players get the PERSONAL ATTENTION they need with the fundamentals.

On the field shooting is something we regularly do in finishing and combination play exercises.

Off the field the kids receive handouts on the mechanics of shooting to ensure they have a solid technical foundation.

Then weekly the players complete homework where they study goals from players such as Messi and Ronaldo.

In these goal reports they describe how and what occurred in the build-up play and the finishing technique used.

Here are my top 7 tips for shooting from long distance… 

1) The ball must be out of the feet and at an angle.                            
2) Take a power step towards the target.
3) Plant your non-kicking foot ahead of the ball.           
4) The toe of your kicking foot must be pointed down.    
5) Think of the ball as a face with two eyes, a nose and a mouth and strike through the center of the ball (the nose) with the LACES.   
6) See the ball at the point of impact.
7) Follow through with your kicking foot towards the target.  

Go slowly at first to get down the mechanics. Then work on both feet.

And of course, practice makes perfect, so lots of REPETITIONS.

Chat soon,
Soccer 1:1

P.S. There are two spots left for tomorrow’s skills clinic. The focus is getting comfortable on the ball! If you are interested in attending please contact me directly.


50% Complete

Two Step

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