Parent testimonial: I’ve noticed significant improvement!

Parents & Friends,

I have a fantastic testimonial to share with you today from a parent whose daughter has been in our 1:1 training program since March.

Dear fellow soccer families,

Coach Patrick is an outstanding trainer! I have been very impressed with his ability to bring out the best in my daughter. We feel very lucky to have come across him. Here is a summary of our experience….

My 10-year-old daughter played in one of the big soccer clubs in San Francisco and wanted to get to a higher-level team. She was already one of the better players on the team, but wasn’t getting the skill-work she needed to improve. Lots of scrimmaging, but very little technique. I started looking for other options to get her the extra training she needed to be better prepared for the big tryout weekend in May and stumbled upon Coach Patrick.

My daughter began her training with Coach Patrick about 6 weeks before the tryouts. She was a bit apprehensive about 1:1 training and it took a while to convince her to give it a shot. Coach Patrick is great with kids. At the end of her first training, my daughter told me that she really enjoyed her training and wanted to continue to train with him.

Not only is Coach Patrick a great technical coach, he is extremely knowledgeable and stresses the importance of developing individual skills and techniques in game-related activities. His program is comprehensive. He gives my daughter short, weekly homework to help improve her understanding of the game.

He gives us handouts and soccer DVDs to watch. He is very dedicated. He traveled to tryouts and games to see her play and provided feedback on her games. On the personal side, Coach Patrick also took time to getting to know us and is always available for questions and advice.

He also guided us through the club tryout process. I am happy to share that my daughter was offered a position on another more competitive club in San Francisco that offers a pathway to the US Development Academy. In the period my daughter has been training with Coach Patrick, I’ve noticed significant improvement in her techniques and ball handling/movement.

Again, I have been so impressed with Coach Patrick’s ability to bring out the best in my daughter. I can’t wait to see her pulling some of these moves in her games!

C. Chang (mother of 10-year-old girl)

Chat soon,
Soccer 1:1

P.S. winter group training begins November 12! These sessions are for 1st and 2nd grade. Click here for more information.


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