Parent testimonial: our son learned more in a few months than he had learned in years of playing for a team!

Parents and Friends,

I have a testimonial to share with you today from a parent whose son has been in our training program for three years…

Dear Soccer Families,

Our son learned more from Coach Patrick McPhillips in a few months of training than he had learned in years of playing for a team. 

We’ve been with Patrick for three years now.

And he has completely changed the way my son – and our family – thinks about soccer. 

Our son was always enthusiastic about the game but Patrick gave focus and direction to his training and showed him what was possible with hard work. 

Patrick's dedication to the game and to kids shines through, both in the way he conducts himself during training sessions and in the other features of his program.

That includes written and verbal game evaluations for players and weekly homework (e.g., written analysis of video clips from games in top professional leagues) that he carefully reviews with his students and weaves into his sessions. 

We couldn’t be happier!


Robert Innes (father of 11-year-old boy)

Chat soon,
Soccer 1:1

P.S. How do players develop in Brazil? Click here to watch a video that compares player development in Georgia with Rio.  


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