The benefits of 1:1 training!

Parents and Friends,

According to recent research by the National Alliance for Sports 70% of children are leaving organized team sports by the age 13.

Clearly this is not a healthy situation.

 One of the main reasons kids stop playing team sports is that they are no longer having fun.

 Another is they have a low perceived competence.

Put simply this means they feel like they LACK THE SKILLS to continue playing the game.

That’s why when chatting with new families one of the first questions I ask is what their child needs help with.

And of course it’s no surprise when they say the kid has received little if any technical training.

I reassure them that with proper instruction their child will get the personal attention they need

Here are another FIVE great reasons to consider 1:1 training.

1) The focus is on individual player development over team development.
2) The player gets the help they need immediately.
3) Solid fundamentals (ball control, receiving, passing etc.) are instilled through repetitions.
4) Bad habits are reversed and the correct mechanics are taught.
5) Improved technique significantly increases the player’s CONFIDENCE.

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Soccer 1:1


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