How to play faster in soccer!

Parents and Friends,

We’ve all observed players struggling with the mechanics of stopping the ball and turning.

What you’ll frequently see is a kid stepping around the ball in an attempt to move it in the opposite direction.

Or a ball is about to run out of play and the player kicks or dribbles it over the line trying to keep it in play. That can be really frustrating.

At Soccer 1:1 we teach EIGHT fundamental turns as standard (and more if those are mastered quickly!).

That ‘turns toolkit’ significantly improves a player’s confidence because now they can get quickly the ball under control and change direction.

One of my favorite turns is the PULLBACK and the 4 basic steps are…

1) Push the ball out in front of you and step on the ball.
2) Lower your hips and drag the ball back towards you with the sole of the foot.
3) Turn and bring the ball with you.
4) Race away quickly in the opposite direction.

 Go slowly at first to get down the mechanics, then practice with both feet.

And of course, lots of REPETITIONS!

Talk soon,
Soccer 1:1

P.S. On February 17th I will be running a third free skills clinic in San Francisco. You can click here to register and I will keep it open for the first 10 players that register online.


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