Building a player (why I give homework!)

Parents and Friends,

Working with many families and young players over the years one of the first things I mention is that we do weekly soccer homework.

The response is frequently what could that possibly be! 

I am always quick to explain that if they want help then homework is a CRUCIAL and integral part of that process.

Why? Because practice time is limited to a few hours a week (or less!) and I want to have an input on what players are doing outside of those trainings.

It's also an opportunity to be productive and get ahead especially when soccer kids these days are often IDLE for months on end. Sometimes for whole seasons.

The content of the homework can vary but typically it will be based on learning a new skill and increasing a player’s Soccer IQ.

I recently had the kids working on the backheel and they had to…

1) Study a technical handout on backheels.
2) Watch a video of Alexis Sanchez’s backheel assist against Brighton.
3) Answer five questions based on the video.
4) Practice the skill that week on their own. 
5) Demonstrate it at the next practice.

With a structure like that we’re covering all the bases! 

We’re getting players to watch soccer and see the creative skills that professional players are using that they can add to their game.

We’re not only TEACHING A SKILL but having the kids practice it on their own and then they are seeing via the video how effective that skill can be in a match.

And we’re keeping players accountable by giving them weekly homework that they have to complete.

If you enjoyed today's message, please share it with a friend or fellow soccer enthusiast. 

We are here to help!

Chat soon,
Soccer 1:1


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