How to improve soccer juggling...

Parents and Friends,

Soccer juggling is a crucial skill for kids to master as it improves ball control, first touch and foot coordination.

Most important of all it increases a player’s CONFIDENCE.

Of course, it’s frustrating for beginners!

It’s a difficult skill to master and most kids won’t stick with it because they may not have had proper instruction on HOW to juggle the ball correctly.

Without that then the time they are spending is wasted and not productive.

But with the correct technical training kids can have fun with it and enjoy the process of improving. 

Last summer then 10-year-old William is a great example of a player who stuck with juggling and through his dedication got results.

In early July he was well past the beginner phase and could do 15-20 juggles consistently.

William really wanted to get those numbers up but was pretty much only using his dominant foot.

Here are the top 5 tips I gave him…

1) Practice it EVERY day
2) Juggle the ball at a consistent height
3) Use other parts of the body (thigh, chest, heel etc.)
4) Juggle with both feet
5) If you take a bad touch use a recovery touch

 As well as having the ability to follow instruction the key was that William had the INNER DRIVE to get better.

Here is a list of some of the numbers we tracked in his soccer journal. 

July 24th: 30 juggles
September 12th: 62 juggles
October 9th: 103 juggles
November 11th: 201 juggles

It took time but with daily practice small improvements resulted in major gains over a few months.

 So much so that I have recently downsized William from a Size 4 soccer ball to a tennis ball!

Chat soon,
Soccer 1:1

P.S I have ONE spot left for tomorrow’s skills clinic. If you are interested in attending please contact me directly.



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