Parent testimonial: the benefits have been huge!

Parents & Friends, 

Today I have a testimonial to share with you from a parent whose two sons attended our training program from December 2018 to September 2021. At that time they relocated to Marin but have stayed in touch. 

Dear fellow soccer families, 

My sons are two years apart and trained with Patrick for nearly three years. The semi-private two-on-one lessons were a terrific format. The boys would alternate performing drills with and against each other and as a team against Patrick. The emphasis of Patrick's training was on skills, fitness, and footwork, which often are not given enough attention in club training. The benefits have been huge. When we moved out of San Francisco, my younger son immediately placed into the local club's competitive team, mainly due to his foot skills. He continues to use these skills daily, as a midfield player with excellent passing ability that enables his team's strikers to score. I'd highly recommend Patrick's lessons for any kid with a desire to improve their soccer ability. 

Casey S (father of two boys)

We wish the family all the best and look forward to hearing more about the boys progress! 

Chat soon, 
Soccer 1:1 


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