Soccer homework: the qualities of a great teammate!

 Parents & Friends,  

Homework is a fantastic way to engage kids off the field and of course gauge their interest level in the sport. Are they keen to learn more and increase their knowledge? How long will it take them to complete? If the child is younger are their parents supporting their journey? Homework will answer these questions!  

In the past we would print out homework and give to the kids at the field. But in the last few years we've used Google Drive to share. The parents submit when complete through the drive and we then give the kids feedback at the field. The level of detail and frequency of the homework would always depend on the age of the child.  

The qualities of a great teammate is always the first homework we issue to any new child in the program…  

Title: The qualities of a great teammate? 

Task: Please write or type up 5 qualities that a great teammate should have and include a brief explanation e.g., a great teammate is not selfish and that helps the team because that player is putting the team first. Have fun!  

Below is what one nine-year-old player submitted…  

1. A good teammate should encourage his team. This helps the team because no one is discouraged and won’t be afraid to use moves.
2. A good teammate should always think about what is best for the team, not what is best for himself. This helps the team because he is putting the team first and not being selfish.
3. A good teammate should always lead by example and show his team how to play good soccer rather than telling his team how to play good soccer. This helps the team because the players have an example to follow, which is easier than following an explanation.  

4.A good teammate should always have a confident attitude before the game this helps the team because if you have a good attitude before the game the whole team will start to.  

5. A good teammate should always give constructive criticism. This helps the team because you don't want to discourage your teammate, but you also want to give them general advice. 

Encouragement, leadership, confidence. Awesome qualities! And as you can see this player put a ton of work and thought into their work.  

When you see these results the benefits for all are HUGE!  

Chat soon, 
Soccer 1:1  



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