The benefits of watching soccer on TV!

Parents and Friends,

According to the Social Science Research Network, approximately 65% of the population are visual learners.

That means they are more likely to remember and understand content if they watch it.

Of course, playing soccer will always be the most effective way for young players to learn.

But at the same time there are clearly benefits to watching the game at the highest level on TV.

And it’s a question I frequently hear from families. Should their child be watching more soccer? 

The answer is ABSOLUTELY and with the men’s World Cup around the corner it will be the perfect time to do so… school’s out!

The tournament is starting June 14 in Russia and the final will be a month later.

Sadly, with the USMNT not qualifying what can our kids do?

They could follow some of the top players and watch their matches.

The three biggest stars in men's soccer will be present… Neymar (Brazil), Messi (Argentina) and Ronaldo (Portugal).

If that bunch are not your cup of tea, there will be a total of 64 matches to choose from.

The world will be watching and it’s going to be a crazy month of non-stop soccer.

That’s why they call it World Cup fever!

Here are my top 7 benefits of watching the game on TV…

1) It increases your knowledge of the game. 
2) You can observe the speed, stamina (only 3 subs!) and technical level needed to play professional soccer.
3) The commentators provide in-depth analysis of build-up play, chances created and goals.
4) The studio pundits cover tactics, systems of play etc. in extensive detail.
5) You can learn new tricks by watching slow-motion replays of the skills players are using.
6) Kids can study how a professional player plays a particular position (e.g. full back) and their decision-making.
7) It’s FUN!

Chat soon,
Soccer 1:1

P.S. On Saturday April 14th I will be running another FREE skills clinic for 8-11-year-olds in San Francisco. To register click here. Spots are limited to the first 10 players that register online!


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