5 qualities I look for in youth soccer players...

Parents and Friends,

With new families interested in our training program there are there two prerequisites before they can sign up.

Those are a phone interview followed by a field evaluation.

I screen because unlike other training programs I don’t want to help everyone!

I’m looking to establish early whether the family really wants help.

Simply because I know the perfect fit is a COMMITTED family that really wants their child to improve.

When chatting on the phone the problem the player is having is nearly always technical.

The parent feels their kid isn’t getting the PERSONAL ATTENTION they need and help with their game.

And that’s never a surprise because players can display significant technical limitations despite having played soccer for years.

Especially if the child is coming from an environment that prematurely focuses on team success and not individual player development.

If the phone interview goes well the next step is the field evaluation with the player.

At the field there are the usual expectations any coach would have such as energy and enthusiasm.

Skill level doesn’t really come into it on my end but there are certain qualities I am looking for.

These are the top 5 on my list…

1) They LOVE soccer
2) They want to get better
3) They are prepared to practice on their own
4) They will do assigned soccer homework
5) They are willing to increase their knowledge of the game (e.g. watching matches and reading about soccer)

Chat soon,

P.S. our next skills clinic is coming up on March 31st. To book please click here and the terms and conditions are posted on this page.


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