Soccer is mental (this will help)

Parents and Friends,

Today's newsletter is focused on the ‘mental side’ of soccer...

...and I wanted to give you some quick insight having observed 1000's

of youth players over the past decade as a coach.

Here are my top 3 tips to share this week:

1) A player’s focus during games should not be on the score and WINS or LOSSES. Games are an essential part of the development process and must be a learning experience. Look at them as an opportunity to participate, be creative, experiment, and most importantly...


2) If things are not going well in a game — go back to the fundamentals. Getting back to the simple basics will restore confidence. That’s why at Soccer 1:1 we instill solid fundamentals into players in all our sessions.

3) Post-game, players are often over critical of their play and mistakes they have made. Yes it’s important to analyze your game... but don't forget to take away the positives of what went well and new skills that...

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Hey, how’s it going?

Parents and Friends,

This is Patrick McPhillps from Soccer 1:1 here in San Francisco.

If we haven't talked in a while...I'd love to chat over the phone.

I also want to show you what I'm doing here locally (maybe there's a way I can help you).

Over the last couple of months...

I've started to realize a couple things:

1) I needed to create an informative weekly newsletter that adds value to parents and children who play the beautiful game.

2) I needed to create a 1on1 soccer training program that will give players maximum attention in an exclusive environment.

Coming up, I'll be writing one email per week - and if you enjoy the content, please share it with another parent or soccer enthusiast in the area.

Talk soon,
Soccer 1:1

P.S. Over the next 30 days, I'm going to be giving away ‘free trial sessions’ to my program. In order to get your free trial session, simply respond to this email and we can connect over the phone.


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