How to shield the ball from a defender...

Parents and Friends,

What is shielding in soccer?

It’s keeping possession of the ball away from a defender, a technique that doesn't receive much attention in the youth game.

But of course, there are many situations where a player has few options and must protect the ball.

Shielding is also a very CREATIVE way to slow down play and allow a defender to contain you while you are waiting for movement.

This generates time and space for support attackers to get into position before you pass.

In addition, you’ll see shielding being used in tight spaces on defense.

A defender will get into a battle with an attacker while shielding the ball out of play at the corner flag.

Knowing how to shield is key in soccer and that’s why I make it part of training sessions in our program.

But like any other technique it needs to be taught with the correct mechanics and lots of REPETITIONS!

Here are my top 7 tips for shielding the ball…

1) Make sure your body position is between...

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