How to improve footwork...

Parents and Friends,

A question I frequently get from families is how do they improve their child’s foot skills.

Footwork is the key! It is the basis and the first step to building any player.

At Soccer 1:1 every child in our program goes through at least SIXTY footwork exercises in their first three-month period.

This specialized curriculum (130 exercises total!) significantly improves a player’s ability and increases their confidence with the ball at their feet.

Here are three FUN exercises that develop great footwork…

1) Sole roll sideways-stop: roll the ball across your body with the sole of one foot and stop the ball with the opposite foot.
2) Boxes-moving forward: pass the ball from one foot to the other moving forward using the inside of both feet.
3) Toe touches-circle: little touches on the ball using the toes of both feet while circling the ball.

Go slowly at first to get down the mechanics. Then lots of REPETITIONS!

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