Can you help me real quick?

Parents and Friends,

I’m currently working on a new project (book & app) that I'll be sharing with the soccer community soon!

The project is essentially a footwork program. Technical exercises that increase a player’s confidence on the ball and improve overall ball mastery.

The motivation behind creating the program was twofold.

Kids are NOT GETTING the foot skills work they need and are pushed into games far too early with the same results. They’re overwhelmed!

Secondly, I wanted to help more players with an online presence. Not just locally but everywhere.

We are in the production process of creating this program and I made this quick one question survey that I hope you can take.

>> Click here to help me out

I appreciate it.

Chat soon,
Soccer 1:1

P.S. On February 17th I will be running a third free skills clinic in San Francisco. You can click here to register your child and I will keep it open for the first 10 players that register online.

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