Improve your passing with wall ball!

Parents and Friends,

When traveling abroad you’ll see kids playing pickup soccer games everywhere and anywhere.

Pickup is essentially street soccer and all the youngsters need is a ball, some space and they’ll use their school bags, jackets etc. for goals.

Jumpers for goalposts!

It’s fantastic because they’re getting lots of touches and being creative in an environment where they’re free to express themselves.

That kids elsewhere are getting more touches on the ball outside of practice is something that’s not really acknowledged in U.S. soccer.

But it’s certainly one of the challenges!

That’s why I always encourage kids to TRAIN ON THEIR OWN and show them exercises such as passing off a wall.

Some players call this wall ball and these are my top 7 exercises for a great workout:

  • Receive with the inside of the foot, pass with the inside of the foot.
  • Receive with the outside of the foot, pass with the inside of the foot.
  • Receive with the...
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How to pass the ball better in soccer!

Parents and Friends,

To stay in the game a player must develop an understanding of how to complete a pass to a teammate.

Yet we’ve all observed kids with bad habits. Kicking the ball to nobody in particular using poor technique.

Unfortunately, when a player applies the same mechanics for passing as for shooting that is the result.

QUALITY passing is all about transferring the ball accurately to a teammate from distance.

It must be worked on at an early age because the game only becomes more complex as numbers and the field size increase.

An 11 v 11 pitch is typically 115 x 74 yards. With that there are even more options, considerations and complications!

At Soccer 1:1 we instill solid fundamentals into players at each session. Here are my top FIVE tips for basic passing:

1) Toe pointed slightly up.
2) Ball slightly out of feet and at an angle.
3) Non-kicking foot must be placed beside the ball and pointed at the target.
4) Picture the ball as having two eyes, a nose and a mouth....

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