"We have been with Coach Patrick for over two years now and we cannot say enough about how lucky we are! Not only has he significantly developed our young daughter’s technical skills, but, more importantly, he has helped her gain the confidence she will need in order to be a great player. Our daughter looks forward to her trainings with Patrick each week which speaks to his ability to work with kids in a manner they enjoy. One of Patrick’s main goals is to instill a love of soccer and that is definitely what we see happening with our daughter! We highly recommend Patrick as a personal coach."

Sharon H (mother of 9-year-old girl)

"My sons are two years apart and trained with Patrick for nearly three years. The semi-private two-on-one lessons were a terrific format. The boys would alternate performing drills with and against each other and as a team against Patrick. The emphasis of Patrick's training was on skills, fitness, and footwork, which often are not given enough attention in club training. The benefits have been huge. When we moved out of San Francisco, my younger son immediately placed into the local club's competitive team, mainly due to his foot skills. He continues to use these skills daily, as a mid-field player with excellent passing ability that enables his team's strikers to score. I'd highly recommend Patrick's lessons for any kid with a desire to improve their soccer ability."

Casey S (father or two boys)

"We’ve been with Coach Patrick for five years now, and he has completely changed the way my son William and our family thinks about soccer. Our son was always enthusiastic about the game, but he gave focus and direction to his training and showed him what was possible with hard work. Patrick's dedication to the game and to kids shines through, both in the way he conducts himself during training sessions and in the other features of his program. Including written and verbal game evaluations for players and weekly homework that he carefully reviews with his students and weaves into his sessions. We couldn’t be happier!"

Robert I (father of 14-year-old boy)

"Coach Patrick is an outstanding trainer! I have been very impressed with his ability to bring out the best in my daughter. Not only is he a great technical coach, he is extremely knowledgeable and stresses the importance of developing individual skills and techniques in game-related activities. His program is comprehensive. He gives my daughter short, weekly homework to help improve her understanding of the game. He gives us handouts and soccer DVDs to watch. He is very dedicated. He traveled to tryouts and games to see her play and provided feedback on her games. On the personal side, Coach Patrick also took time to getting to know us and is always available for questions and advice. In the period my daughter has been training with Coach Patrick, I’ve noticed significant improvement in her techniques and ball handling/movement. Again, I have been so impressed with his ability to bring out the best in my daughter."

Chi C (mother of 10-year-old girl)

"Coach Patrick has coached our son, Alex, through private sessions for the last 3 months, and his technical skills have immensely progressed. While having played for 3 years prior to seeing Coach Patrick, Alex had received limited technical training, and we can now feel his confidence grow along with his skills! We could not be happier to have been introduced to Coach Patrick. His style enables him to push Alex while also building a solid foundation. We have also received great and ongoing communication from Coach Patrick which have been very helpful in maintaining our focus between sessions. We are looking forward to continuing private practices with Coach Patrick!"

Liz D (mother of 10-year-old boy)

"We have been working with Coach Patrick for almost a year. Our sons have really enjoyed working with Coach Patrick. He offers a complete training package including individual skill drill as well as video review of professional moves. He is energetic and passionate when coaching and has been a very nice complement to our sons’ coaches who focus more on team positioning and tactics. I feel like he has instilled the same passion for the game in our sons as he has himself. We can’t wait to keep working with him to see our boys' ongoing progression and improvement!"

Johannes K (father or two boys)

"Patrick has been an amazing coach to our son. When our son started with Patrick, he was playing club soccer but seemed to be falling behind his peers, and I realized that he really needed to have some instruction in terms of skills-building. As soon as he started working with Patrick, we could see a difference in his play. After he had worked with Patrick for about 7 months, it was time for spring tryouts... and he made a huge jump in terms of team level. And more importantly, he learned that hard work pays off!!"

Lindsay B (mother of 10-year-old boy)

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