Parent testimonial: the benefits have been huge!

Parents & Friends, 

Today I have a testimonial to share with you from a parent whose two sons attended our training program from December 2018 to September 2021. At that time they relocated to Marin but have stayed in touch. 

Dear fellow soccer families, 

My sons are two years apart and trained with Patrick for nearly three years. The semi-private two-on-one lessons were a terrific format. The boys would alternate performing drills with and against each other and as a team against Patrick. The emphasis of Patrick's training was on skills, fitness, and footwork, which often are not given enough attention in club training. The benefits have been huge. When we moved out of San Francisco, my younger son immediately placed into the local club's competitive team, mainly due to his foot skills. He continues to use these skills daily, as a midfield player with excellent passing ability that enables his team's strikers to score. I'd highly recommend Patrick's lessons for...

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Parent testimonial: I’ve noticed significant improvement!

Parents & Friends,

I have a fantastic testimonial to share with you today from a parent whose daughter has been in our 1:1 training program since March.

Dear fellow soccer families,

Coach Patrick is an outstanding trainer! I have been very impressed with his ability to bring out the best in my daughter. We feel very lucky to have come across him. Here is a summary of our experience….

My 10-year-old daughter played in one of the big soccer clubs in San Francisco and wanted to get to a higher-level team. She was already one of the better players on the team, but wasn’t getting the skill-work she needed to improve. Lots of scrimmaging, but very little technique. I started looking for other options to get her the extra training she needed to be better prepared for the big tryout weekend in May and stumbled upon Coach Patrick.

My daughter began her training with Coach Patrick about 6 weeks before the tryouts. She was a bit apprehensive about 1:1 training and it took a...

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Parent testimonial: our son learned more in a few months than he had learned in years of playing for a team!

Parents and Friends,

I have a testimonial to share with you today from a parent whose son has been in our training program for three years…

Dear Soccer Families,

Our son learned more from Coach Patrick McPhillips in a few months of training than he had learned in years of playing for a team. 

We’ve been with Patrick for three years now.

And he has completely changed the way my son – and our family – thinks about soccer. 

Our son was always enthusiastic about the game but Patrick gave focus and direction to his training and showed him what was possible with hard work. 

Patrick's dedication to the game and to kids shines through, both in the way he conducts himself during training sessions and in the other features of his program.

That includes written and verbal game evaluations for players and weekly homework (e.g., written analysis of video clips from games in top professional leagues) that he carefully reviews with his students and...

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Parent testimonial: my daughter improved her knowledge through weekly homework!

Parents and Friends,

I have a testimonial to share with you today from a parent whose daughter just went through the program…

Dear Soccer Families,

About a year and a half ago our then 14-year-old daughter Bethany tried out for a competitive club team and was not chosen. Prior to this, she played AYSO recreational soccer since she was five.

We knew she was just a mediocre player, but she loved playing. We decided we would try and find her a personal coach. So, our search led us to Coach Patrick McPhillips. We asked Coach Patrick to help us get Bethany playing at a higher level. He told us frankly that he could do it, but it would take more than just a few sessions.

For the last year, she has been training with Coach Patrick for one hour. Not only did he improve her physical skills, but he also improved her knowledge and mentality by giving her weekly homework.

I am thrilled to report that Bethany recently tried out for Burlingame Soccer Club and was offered a spot on their...

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